Whether you’re a weekend warrior or just like to spend your spare time running around outside, there is no denying that walking is one of the most effective exercises for your body. Home treadmills are an excellent choice if you want to get in shape but don’t have the space for a gym, and they can also be used as a way to train on days when it isn’t possible to go out.
A home treadmill has many benefits to offer, not least of which are the health benefits that come with walking at a steady pace. Running on the treadmill is certainly better than nothing, but if you want to improve your cardiovascular fitness, you’ll find that running will only take you so far. The good news is that you can increase your heart rate and burn calories while walking on a treadmill at almost any speed.
It’s important to understand that every individual is different. Some people may need more intensity in their workouts than others. If this describes you, then it may be worth looking into high-intensity interval training (HIIT). HIIT combines short bursts of high-intensity exercise with slow recovery periods. This type of workout is best done outdoors, but if you don’t live near nature, a treadmill might be your next best option. It allows you to walk at a moderate level of intensity most of the time, making it ideal for people who don’t have the endurance to run at full speed all day long.
The following article discusses some of the health benefits offered by walking on a treadmill and provides tips on how to choose a machine that suits your needs.

Walking on a Treadmill at Moderate Intensity
If you’re new to walking, it’s probably best to start slowly and work up to higher speeds. When you first begin, it’s recommended that you walk at a pace between 2.5 and 3 miles per hour (mph), which is about 1.2 to 1.4 kilometers per hour (kph). As you become more comfortable, you can gradually increase your pace until you reach 4 mph, which corresponds to 3 kph.
When you begin on the treadmill, always make sure that you warm up before starting your workout, or you could end up experiencing pain or injury. Most treadmills have built-in warming mechanisms, so just turn them on and let them do their job. You should also stretch before beginning your workout. Stretching helps prevent injuries and improves blood flow throughout your body.
Treadmills are particularly useful for people who would rather avoid strenuous activities such as swimming, cycling, hiking, skiing and horseback riding. These types of sports require a lot of physical exertion, and the last thing you want is to injure yourself during your workout. A treadmill is safe enough for most people to use without risk of serious injury.
Some people prefer to walk on inclines instead of flat surfaces. Incline treadmills allow you to walk faster while providing the same benefits as regular treadmills. If you walk on an inclined surface often, it may seem natural to walk faster on a treadmill, too. Keep in mind that the incline must be gradual. If the incline is too steep, you may feel discomfort.
You should also consider getting a treadmill that features variable settings. Variable settings allow you to adjust the incline, resistance, speed and even music to match your current mood. For example, if you are feeling happy, set the incline to be low; if you’re feeling sad, set the incline to be high. By doing this, you can create a personalized workout routine that fits your moods.
Many treadmills feature adjustable stride length controls. This control adjusts your stride length – a measure of distance traveled by each foot – according to your height. Your stride length affects how fast you move, although you should never walk at a pace that puts you above your maximum capacity. If your stride length is too short, you will tire quickly and you won’t get the cardiovascular benefits of walking. Walking at too great a pace could also lead to joint pain down the road.
Walking on a Treadmill Can Help Prevent Osteoporosis
Walking on a treadmill is an extremely beneficial form of exercise for those who suffer from osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a disease caused by a decrease in bone density that leads to decreased strength in bones. Osteoporosis is common among older women, but it is also becoming increasingly prevalent among younger adults due to poor diet and lack of activity.
Osteoporosis can cause fractures in several areas of the body, including the hips, spine, wrists, knees and ankles. Fractures can occur suddenly, without warning, and can result in severe pain and immobility. Although medication is available to help treat osteoporosis, it cannot cure the condition completely. Therefore, the best way to keep your bones strong is to stay active. Walking on a treadmill is a great way to strengthen your muscles and boost bone density.

There is evidence that walking on a treadmill can help reduce the risk of hip fractures. One study found that elderly individuals who walked regularly on a treadmill were less likely to experience a fracture compared to individuals who did not walk regularly. Other studies have shown that women who walk on a treadmill three times per week for 30 minutes experienced an 8 percent improvement in bone mineral density after only six months.
In addition to strengthening your bones and preventing osteoporosis, walking on a treadmill can also help protect against other conditions that affect the joints. Studies show that walking on a treadmill can improve flexibility and balance, thus reducing the risk of falls. A recent study found that subjects who walked on a treadmill had a lower risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
Walking on the walking pad will not only help in having the reduction in the weight. But it will also prove to be a good option if the person selects the wrong option. If the person keeps on doing the exercise on the regular basis then this will help him in getting the reduction in the weight.
Walking on a Treadmill Helps Reduce Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is a common problem for millions of Americans. According to the American Heart Association, roughly 50 million Americans have high blood pressure, and nearly half of these patients already know they have the condition. High blood pressure can damage artery walls and reduce blood flow to the brain, kidneys, eyes and heart.
Several studies have found that walking on a treadmill can help lower blood pressure. One study showed that individuals who walked on a treadmill for 30 minutes twice daily experienced a reduction in systolic and diastolic pressures of 7.8 mmHg and 5.6 mmHg respectively. Another study found that walking on a treadmill for 15 minutes improved systolic blood pressure by 11 percent.
Because high blood pressure can lead to other complications, including stroke, it is vital to consult a doctor before adding walking on a treadmill to your regular routine. If you have been diagnosed with hypertension, you should speak with your doctor before using a treadmill to achieve additional benefit.
Walking on a Treadmill Reduces Stress Levels
Stress is a common factor in modern society. Most people would agree that stress comes in many forms, and there is no question that stress negatively impacts our overall health. However, stress can also be alleviated through regular exercise. Even something as simple as walking on a treadmill can relieve stress.
Studies have shown that walking on a treadmill can improve blood circulation, which reduces feelings of anxiety and depression. Researchers have also found that walking on a treadmill can help reduce cortisol levels, a hormone produced by the adrenal gland that causes chronic inflammation and contributes to muscle fatigue. Cortisol levels are highest in the morning hours, and when it increases, it can cause stress.
Reducing cortisol levels can help combat muscle fatigue, reduce inflammation, and improve sleep quality. All together, these factors can reduce stress levels and help fight off illnesses and diseases.
Walking on a Treadmill Is Good for Weight Loss
One of the most common reasons why people choose to purchase a treadmill is for weight loss purposes. After all, the key to losing weight is to burn more calories than you consume. Many people believe that walking on a treadmill burns more calories than walking outdoors, so they opt for the convenience of the treadmill over going outside.
While walking on a treadmill does provide a small amount of calorie burning, the effect is minimal. The average person burns approximately 100 calories while walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes. While this number may sound small, it is still significant enough to contribute towards weight loss. If you want to lose weight, however, you must eat fewer calories than you expend.

Walking on a Treadmill Can Improve Circulation
Regular aerobic exercise can help improve circulation throughout the body. Walking on a treadmill is an excellent form of exercise because it improves blood flow to virtually every part of the body, including the heart, lungs, legs and feet. Walking on a treadmill can also help relieve symptoms associated with varicose veins, which are swollen veins in the legs that appear purple, blue or red.
Varicose veins are the primary reason that individuals seek treatment for venous ulcers. Varicose veins are usually hereditary, so sufferers will pass the genetic predisposition along to their children. Individuals with varicose veins may also develop clots within the veins, leading to leg pain and swelling.
People with varicose veins can greatly benefit from regular aerobic exercise. This type of exercise improves circulation and decreases the risk of clots forming in the veins. Because a treadmill allows you to walk at a steady pace, it is easy to maintain your heart rate and burn calories at the same time.
Walking on a Treadmill Can Benefit People With Diabetes
Diabetes is a condition in which the body becomes unable to produce insulin. Insulin regulates glucose levels in the bloodstream, and without insulin, glucose builds up in the blood. Diabetics must therefore regulate their sugar intake carefully.