Body building Health and Fitness

10 Nutrition Tips To Increase Muscle Gain For A Shredded Aesthetic 

If you’re looking to get a shredded aesthetic then nutrition is one of the key factors that will help you achieve your goals. There are many different techniques and methods that you can use to increase muscle gain, but this article will provide you with 10 simple tips so that you can put them into practice as soon as possible. 

1) Protein –

The primary focus of any successful bodybuilder’s diet should be on protein. If you don’t eat enough protein, then you won’t build muscle fast enough and you’ll also not be able to recover effectively from training sessions. 

The most important thing when it comes to protein intake is to make sure that you consume at least 1 gram per kg of your bodyweight in order for your muscles to grow to their full potential. So if you weigh 100 pounds, then you would need to consume at least 100 grams (that’s about 2.2 lbs) of protein throughout the day. This may sound like quite a lot, but it isn’t really that difficult to do. Make sure that you eat protein-rich foods such as chicken breast, fish, eggs, lean meat, and tofu. You should also try and incorporate some whey protein powder into your daily routine in order to maximize its benefits. 

2) Carbohydrates –

As mentioned above, protein is essential for building muscle mass, but carbohydrates are just as vital. In fact, they play an even more significant role than protein because they give your body energy to support your workouts and recovery. Your best bet is to consume around 60% of your calories from carbohydrates during the day. Carbs are broken down into two groups; complex and simple. Complex carbs include whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, and oats while simple carb sources contain refined sugars, white breads, pasta, cereals, and starchy vegetables. 

3) Fat –

Although fat plays a very small role in increasing muscle gains, there are certain types of fats that have been shown to improve overall health. These include omega-3 fatty acids which have been linked to lowering triglyceride levels and improving heart health. Omega-3s have also been found to decrease inflammation, prevent diabetes, protect against cancer, and fight depression. However, make sure that you only consume moderate amounts of omega-6 fatty acids, otherwise you could experience negative side effects including acne and eczema. Good sources of omega-3 fatty acids include oily fish, walnuts, flaxseed, chia seeds, and hemp seeds. 

4) Water –

It may seem obvious, but water is still crucial to maintaining healthy muscle growth. Water helps keep your body hydrated which makes it easier for you to workout harder and recover faster after each session. Dehydration causes fatigue, cramps, and other unpleasant symptoms that affect your performance. To avoid dehydration, drink plenty of water throughout your day and avoid drinking alcohol or caffeine for at least four hours before training. 

5) Sleep –

If you want to maximize muscle growth, then you must sleep well. Getting at least eight hours of sleep every night is ideal, but if you can’t always manage this then aim for seven hours. Sleeping too little can cause you to become tired and lethargic which means your workouts will suffer. On the flip side, sleeping too much can lead to weight gain and poor moods. 

6) Resting Periods –

One of the biggest mistakes that most people make when trying to lose weight is overtraining themselves by performing exercises without adequate rest periods between sets. When you lift weights, you should allow yourself three or four minutes of rest between each set. Also, you should take several days off from exercise completely in order to fully recuperate. 

7) Nutritional Supplements –

While it might sound strange, nutritional supplements can actually help you build muscle quickly. Whey protein is probably the most popular supplement out there, but there are others that can help boost your performance. Some examples include creatine, amino acids, beta-alanine, and glutamine. 

8) Cardio –

Cardiovascular exercise has a number of beneficial health benefits including burning calories, improving blood flow, reducing cholesterol, and decreasing stress levels. Even though cardio doesn’t directly help you build muscle, it improves oxygenation and increases hormone production which leads to greater strength gains. 

9) Supplement Use –

Many newbie bodybuilders believe that using steroids, growth hormones, and other illegal substances will speed up their muscle gains, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Steroids do nothing except harm your body, and growth hormones are extremely dangerous. They are often used to treat conditions such as cancer, AIDS, and infertility, but the long-term risks outweigh any benefits that they may provide. 

Make sure that you don’t fall victim to these myths and instead follow the advice provided here. 

10) Consistency –

Finally, it’s all about consistency. Don’t expect overnight changes to happen immediately after starting to train. Instead, you need to commit to building muscle over time and sticking to a strict diet plan. 

If the person have taken the final decision to have the bodybuilding supplements in their diet then he have to choose the platform. Most of the people rely on the CrazyBulk as it is a licensed platform. The chance of the wrong product by the service providers is least. A person should gather the complete details and collect the products.

Once you start working out consistently, then you will gradually see results. Remember to stay positive and never give up. If you stick with these nutritional guidelines and work hard, then you will see amazing results within six months.

Frank Medellin is a news writer based in London. He graduated from the Sylvian University of Arts and Communication