Guide Health and Fitness Knock Knees Treatment

Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention of Knock Knees

Knock Knees or Bow Legs are a condition where the kneecaps become dislocated from their normal position at the knee joint. This can be due to muscle weakness or poor alignment. In this condition, the kneecap does not fully extend during walking. This can cause pain and discomfort for children and adults alike.

Knock knees can occur at any age, but usually affects children between ages 2 and 6. The exact cause is unknown, but it appears to be hereditary. As per experts, they are caused by injury, arthritis, or other conditions. In some cases, the kneecap can move back into its correct position. This can be done through physiotherapy or surgery.

Causes of Knock Knees

  • Knock knees are a common problem in children constantly running around and playing sports. 
  • Children tend to develop from repetitive stress injuries that can cause pain and swell in the knee joint. 
  • Other reasons can be inflammation, muscle strain, or ligament tears.

A commonly cited reason for knee pain is the development of bone spurs or osteophytes. These growths develop along the surface of the bones where they rub against each other. They can cause inflammation and injury to ligaments and tendons.

Symptoms of Knock Knees

The symptoms include the following:

  • Pain at the front of the knee
  • Tenderness over the knee cap
  • Swelling, clicking or catching sensation, giving way, crepitus or popping sound
  • Limited range of motion

Prevention of Knock Knees

  • Conservative treatments such as ice packs
  • Stretching exercises
  • Taping
  • Strengthening exercises
  • Wearing braces
  • Orthotics

Surgical procedures may also be recommended, but it is for later stages. Stretching helps prevent injuries and improve flexibility. Let us know How to fix bow legs without surgery?

How to fix bow legs without surgery?

Some of the treatments one can try before going for surgery are: 

  • Exercising
  • Stretching
  • Massage therapy
  • Rest
  • Medication
  • Physical therapy

Knee problems can range from simple discomfort to severe injury. There are several reasons why one may experience knee pain. One factor is age. As we get older, our joints begin to wear down faster. This causes them to become less flexible, leading to joint stiffness and arthritis. Another reason is poor posture. When we sit at a desk all day long, our bodies start to carry extra weight and stress on our knees. Poor posture also leads to muscle imbalances, causing muscles around the knees to tighten and shorten. Lastly, injuries can cause knee pain. Overuse injuries such as tennis elbow or shin splints can occur when the body is forced to move repeatedly.

Human anatomy and biomechanics provide maximum support and stability while allowing complete freedom of movement, but we need to take care of this asset properly. When it comes to health and fitness, we tend to focus on the external appearance, but the inside is where all the functioning takes place. So, a good fitness regime needs to be followed to keep our bodies moving. Our body can adapt to its environment and function optimally, so it is us on whom its life depends.

Frank Medellin is a news writer based in London. He graduated from the Sylvian University of Arts and Communication