When your neck hurts, you are going to feel it. Most likely, it will hurt in your back, shoulders, and head. The pain can be sharp and associated with movement only, or it can be a dull ache that just won’t go away. Often, neck pain is caused by tension in the neck and shoulders, but sometimes, the reason the neck hurts has more to do with an injury than daily life.
In order to fully regain strength, ease tension and get neck pain relief, it’s important to know what is causing your neck pain as the negative effects of bad posture could be the reason behind your neck pain.
The first thing you need to know when you are seeking neck pain relief is that you should be gentle to your neck. Whether you’re stretching, strengthening, or working to ease the tension in your back, neck, and shoulders, it’s important to remember that you should never move too quickly or in sharp or jerky motions. Movements such as this can actually make your neck hurt worse than it already did, especially when you’re working with tense muscles.
For instance, if you have suffered from an injury to your neck such as whiplash, it’s very important that you work to strengthen your neck again, but you need to be careful so that you don’t re-injure your neck and sideline your healing.
Whenever you feel as if you might have suffered an injury to your neck, it’s important to see your health care professional before you begin exercises for your neck pain relief, as some neck injuries can be quite serious.
If you are able to rule out any injury to the neck, then you can safely assume that your aching neck is probably caused by issues such as stress, posture, and muscle strain that can often accompany these conditions. One of the very best ways to gain neck pain relief of this kind is to identify and solve these problems.
So, if you have tension in your shoulders, back, and neck and sometimes feel it in your head, then it’s probably safe to assume that you not only have substantial tension in your neck and shoulders, but posture might be an issue as well. Before you rush out to do neck exercises to ease the pain, you should begin by simply pulling your shoulders back and standing up straighter.
Make sure the shoulders don’t feel as if you’re holding something with them. Instead, make an effort to hold them in their straight, natural position. At first, this may seem difficult, but over time, you will find that you achieve permanent neck pain relief.
While you’re working on your posture, you also need to be working to relieve the tension in your neck. Many times, stretching these areas can cause you more harm than good if you’re still very tense.
Instead, work with heat around the neck and shoulders to loosen the muscles before you begin to stretch your neck and shoulders. It’s at this time that a massager of some kind will help you to break up the tension in this area. You will likely notice almost immediate neck pain relief just from heat and massage, but you should take the time to stretch when you’re feeling a bit more limber.
Neck pain relief may feel as if it’s very hard to come by, but you should know that you don’t have to suffer with it anymore. You don’t have to see a specialist or a doctor, and you don’t even have to pay for a massage. With some simple techniques that you can do right from your own home, you will find that you become less tense and experience less pain in your neck in no time.